Friday, September 22, 2006

"The Brushback Report"

I had never heard of the site or the book before. But, when I saw it lying on a table at Barnes & Noble, I was immediately drawn to it. After skimming through the book, I knew I wanted to give it a read.

"The Brushback Report" is a book written by Dave Savaira, based off his website. It's basically "The Daily Show" about sports. It satirizes sports articles, issues, and topics over the past few years.

One such headline is "Defender Flagged For Hurting Quarterback's Feelings." For sports fans out there, we know exactly what that is about. In the NFL especially, quarterbacks are protected and might as well wear a belt with flags to their sides. There's even a roughing the passer penalty now for "pushing the quarterback to the ground." No, I'm not kidding.

For most every headline, there is an article following. The majority pertains to sports, but there are some that deal with politics. For example, one such headline is "Bush Loses Annual Spelling Bee." In the article, Bush is "quoted" as saying, "Perhaps we'll just leave the spelling to others and the president-ing to me."

Throughout the book, Savaira is not fearful of offending any and everyone. The book is anything but politically correct and that's being nice.
"Black Driver Pulled Over During NASCAR Race"
"White Guy Plays in Pickup Game"

For those that know their sports, can take the political incorrectness, and read it like a satire, then I definitely recommend this book. There are a few headlines and articles that aren't the funniest, but for the most part, I was laughing from start to finish. It's definitely not for everyone, but I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time through and can see myself reading it again.


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