Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Science Vs. Religion

I'm a bit sick and tired of hearing people cling so closely to either science or religion. I mean, religion, what is there to lean on? Faith. The unseen. The unheard. The unknowable. I kept my faith in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Bugs Bunny until I was 6 or 7.

I can understand some clinging to their scientific findings more than the before-mentioned religious, because, studies are actually conducted with visual evidence of their findings. Students aren't typically given science books in an empty laboratory, read to from the book, told to believe in all that it says, and then do some chants to prove they believe it. But, neither science nor religion can prove everything. There's a reason why so few studies and experiments live very long in the scientific world and why there are so few significant findings in one study, let alone a consistent finding in several.

I trust science more than religion. It's been responsible for some very key findings, but those key findings go along with some very absurd, common sense ones. A scientific study reported there being a link between sex and pregnancy. Do we really need that? Do some people actually need scientific evidence to support the belief that pregnancy develops through sexual intercourse? Do we need a study that lifting weights develops muscles, eating produces shizen at the other end, drinking produces urine, the Chicago Cubs produces losing baseball teams? No, I don't think so.

Let's not kid ourselves either. While many like to cling to the "fact" that "numbers can't lie," numbers are used by many to manipulate and deceive, so while the numbers themselves may not lie, in the end, they may be used to deceive a person(s) or the public.

Science is great, but just like with religion, it can't prove everything. ...and sometimes, logic and common sense are all a person needs.


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