Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Owen Wilson Hospitalized

Actor and star of such films as Starsky & Hutch, Wedding Crashers, and Royal Tenenbaums, Owen Wilson was reported hospitalized after attempting to commit suicide this past Sunday. It was reported that he slit his wrist and some pills were found near him when a family member discovered him.

I heard some commentary last night and read some more today about how Owen Wilson should be the happiest guy in the world. He's rich, famous, women adore him, etc. They would then sarcastically state, "Gosh, Owen's just had it so tough."

When we're young, it's easy to claim that we want to be celebrities - rich, famous, and seemingly always in the spotlight. But, as we grow older, as I have, my feelings on the matter have altered drastically. While all the money can buy one an envied wardrobe, a powerful and popular automobile, and a large home, it can't prevent one from self-destructing, from becoming depressed, from having suicidal thoughts. While it can buy objects that many people may envy and crave and can buy plenty more opportunities than the average person, it can't buy one happiness.

The people I talked to last night seem to think that money is the key ingredient to a good life, to being happy. But what about everything that comes with being rich and famous? The scrutiny, the Paparazzi's, the people and media always in your face, not being able to travel anywhere without being noticed. Some people may say, "But, I like being noticed..." and yadda yadda yadda. Yeah, it may be nice once in a while, but to basically never have any time where one can just go out, relax, and not have to worry about getting hounded? Those are ingredients for making one go a little crazy. I know it'd drive me up a wall and I'm very thankful not to be a celebrity because of it.


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