Wednesday, March 15, 2006

One Demo- Amongst Wimp-o-crats

Would a real Democrat please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up? One, okay, so one did. How about the rest?

Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold stood up and spoke out that President Bush should be censured. This has only occurred one other time, with Andrew Jackson. Feingold spoke of the illegalities involved in the wire-tapping and eavesdropping by Bush and because of these illegal actions, he should be censured. According to the most recent numbers I saw in a poll, 70% of Americans agreed with Feingold. Only 27% disagreed and 3% were uncertain.

But, a couple days after Feingold's remarks, what's the attitude of the Democrats like? Like any other time, they refuse to grow a backbone and stand up to the Republicans. It's official. We can now call our two major parties the Republi-cons and the Wimp-o-crats.

Is Feingold the only "Democrat" willing to stand up to the Republicans since 9/11? Remember when the Patriot ACT was signed? October 26th, 2001, just a month and a half after 9/11. Who was the only one to vote against it? Russ Feingold. It was later discovered that many didn't read the proposed bill before signing it and that was later regretted. Feingold was the only one to read through the context of the bill and decide that it infringed upon American citizens' civil liberties. There have been several documented cases of this occurring ever since the bill was passed. Thankfully, there have been some slight provisions made to the bill, but not as many as there should have been. Feingold is still fighting to make sure that the bill does not impede on our civil liberties.

Now, in March of '06, Bush's approval rating stands at anywhere from 34% to 37%. Cheney's approval rating is even lower, at 18%. Up to three-quarters of the nation feel that we are not headed in the right direction as a country. Bush admitted to the wire-tapping and eavesdropping, which is potentially an impeachable offense. 70% of the nation agree that Bush should be censured. Yet, with all these numbers and the public speaking their mind that they do not approve of the job Bush is doing or where the country is headed, no "Democrat" outside of Feingold is willing to stand up and speak out for the public.

It's very sad. Whenever the "Democrats" have an opportunity to take advantage of the hard times Republicans are in, they don't make the most of it. They seem to freeze up like an 8-year old boy before doing a solo at a chorus concert.

It seems obvious to me that only one Democrat is truly willing to stand up for the minds of American citizens and willing to do what's right, whether he's in the majority or minority in the political world. Because of this, I am going to do what I can in attempt to get him to run for president in 2008. I also hope the same for Arizona Senator John McCain. If it's Feingold against McCain in '08, then we'll be guaranteed a drastic change from the eight years prior, with Bush and company.

Below, there will be links where you can reach Senators Feingold and McCain. They both have a lot to offer, a lot more than I've witnessed from any other potential presidential candidate. There needs to be a change in '08. That change won't come about with Bill Frist, Rudy Guiliani, or Hillary Clinton. If one wants to vote Republican, McCain will bring a completely different attitude to the White House. He was a P.O.W. and would do all in his power to bring decency and integrity back to the U.S. Military. For those that want the soldiers to come back home as soon as possible, Feingold would set a time table for the troops to come home. With him in office, it'd also be a certainty that he'd keep a close eye on our balance between liberty and security. We've slipped into dangerous territory, letting freedom slip for false security. It's important we balance the scale, before we get to a point where the scale is tilted too much toward security that we can't retain our freedoms.



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