Friday, May 26, 2006

Remember The Church Spreading Bogus Word Story?

Remember that blog? I found out a couple weekends ago that the pastor at the church I used to attend spread word during a sermon of a false chain-letter e-mail. It dealt with the 2000 election and how "red-staters" are good people and true to God. It also was basically stating that "blue-staters" are nothing but violent uncontrollable people on welfare. Well, I followed through with what I said I'd do. I did research, found the evidence to disprove the chain-letter and mailed the evidence to the pastor.

He called a few days ago and thanked me. He mentioned that he hadn't done much research, but that part of the e-mail seemed to fit in with the following day's sermon, so he decided to use it. His family and he all read my letter and the chain-letter and he realized that it was trying to make a political statement. I kind of laughed when I heard that, because, I mean, any politically half-knowledgable person could read the chain-letter and see that it was trying to make a political statement. He then stated that even though what the chain-letter noted didn't bother him any, it would offend some and church wasn't the right place to make political statements, so, he'd be more careful about it in the future.

Be careful with those chain-letters. Most all that I've received, I've been able to discover that some, most, or all of the chain-letter is false. Please do some research before spreading false chain-letters around. It's amazing how many people read these things and even more amazing (in a sad kind of way) how many people actually believe them.


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