Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Tale of Two Series

After watching the Game 1's of both the Eastern Conference and Western Conference Finals, one doesn't have to be a genius to notice the distinct difference between the two games. Miami and Detroit will be played like a Dolphins and Lions game and whoever has five healthy guys at the end of the game will win. Phoenix and Dallas is played more like a St. Louis Rams/Kansas City Chiefs game- no defense and plenty of offense.

What can we conclude after the opening games of each series? First one to 70 wins the games in the Eastern Conference Finals and first one to 120 comes out victorious in the Western Conference Finals games.

That should make for an interesting match-up in the finals, regardless of who plays. If a game is played in the double-digits, then that will favor the Eastern Conference club and if it reaches triple-digits, then it will definitely favor the Western Conference team.


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