Monday, May 22, 2006

Very Interesting Read- "The Jesus Dynasty"

I just finished reading a book entitled "The Jesus Dynasty: The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity" by Dr. James D. Tabor.

First off, I would not recommend this to those who are obsessed with their religious beliefs or are contemplating forming a cult in the near future. But, for anyone who is flexible with their beliefs, isn't too narrow-minded when it comes to religious discussion, and enjoys broadening their theological horizons some, then I definitely recommend this book to you.

While Tabor is likely to tick off many contemporary Christians, his work will likely spark healthy debate. This book illustrates what Jesus and John the Baptist initially intended Christianity to be, how Paul influenced the religion to be what it is today, and shows how Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are similar to one another.

Was Mary truly a "virgin" when she gave birth to Jesus? Did Jesus resurrect on the third day after his death? How many "messiahs" were there? Was Jesus the only one? Who was James? What was taken out and inserted from the original writings to the current bibles? How many brothers and sisters did Jesus have? How did Paul influence Christianity and how is this seen today in the religion? These questions and many others are tackled in "The Jesus Dynasty." Tabor has studied religion for over thirty years, where he has an expertise in "The Dead Sea Scrolls" as well as origins.


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