Sunday, May 20, 2007

Death to Mosquitoes!

I'm typically a very peaceful-minded individual. I oppose the death penalty. I'm anything but a war lover. I don't even like getting into or overhearing heated discussions. One would be much more correct in labeling me a pacifist than a fascist. But, when it comes to the dreaded mosquito, I wish they would all perish!

There's typically a balance to all living things, with what they can provide to benefit us and what they can provide to hinder us. Bees are a prime example. Bosses can be seen in this manner, even parents. But, what about mosquitoes? What on earth do they provide for us that is benefitting us in the end?

They suck our blood, make us itch, which can result in bleeding and even scarring if scratched enough, ala the chicken pox. What else can they provide for us? Disease. Hello West Nile Virus, yellow fever, malaria, dengue fever, Rift Valley Fever, Ross River Fever, epidemic polyarthritis, etc.

Not only that, but they can tend to make us stink ourselves up with bug spray. Many claim to be odorless, but this usually isn't the case.

Itching, odor, blood, scarring, disease, and death? I may be a pacifist in all other areas of life, but when it comes to the dreaded mosquito, I'm ready to goto war!


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