Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wedding Fashion Extravaganza

I'm buzzed, so I apologize up front for any misspellings or gramatical errors.

So, I went to a wedding tonight (Saturday night). An old friend of mine of I don't know how many years tied the knot to a lovely young lady. I'm happy for the guy. He's good people and deserves a lovely young lady like the one he married.

Anyway, I'm not one for "dressing up". Dressing up for me is khakis. Dressing up for me is anything but a t-shirt. Dressing up for me is anything but a pair of sneakers. It's reminiscent of the movie "Sideways" and Paul Giamatti's character. He's a writer, just like me, so it seems those who know him know not to expect an all out fashion extravaganza from him.

Most of the males at the wedding wore suits, almost identical to one another's. I wore a dressy short-sleeved shirt (it was 85 and somewhat muggy), long tan khakis, some nice dress shoes, and black socks. For me, it was dressing up and I admit, I looked pretty good.

But, as expected, nobody said anything all night regarding the attire and that was just fine by me. They didn't say anything positive or negative. I don't expect anyone to come up to me and compliment or insult me because of my attire. Big deal. In the grand scheme of things, what's it matter? Who's going to remember an individual's fashion preference for a wedding 10 years down the road? I don't know either.

Well, a friend of mine, a friend of mine's sister, and her friend all met up at a bar after the wedding reception and this friend of mine's sister was laying it to me hard in regard to my attire. She said my selection was not appropriate for a 4:00 wedding. I asked her, "Says who?" She said, "Everyone." I wanted to go further, "Oh yes, so you asked every single person at the wedding what their feelings were on my clothing and they ALL told you the same thing, that it was inappropriate for a 4:00 wedding?" But, no, I just laughed, drank, and blew it off. Again, who cares? Like the bride, the groom, or their families are going to remember what lil' ol' Craig wore at the wedding. It's not like I came nude or anything. This gal wouldn't give up on the subject though. She kept repeating that I had to go out with she and some friends and they would decide my clothing. What? Why? I wear what I'm most comfortable in. Well, usually. If I had been a groomsmen, you would've seen me in a suit, but I wasn't "involved" in the wedding at all. If I had a foreign suit, I would've worn that, but an American suit? What's the point of wearing something in attempt to blend in with just about everyone else? I don't see the point. It's not like I look all around me to find a consistent odor or shaving style or shoe brand and I follow suit with what everyone else is doing. An old friend of mine there was wearing sneakers and this gal complained about that too. Do I care? No, of course not. Who all is going to peruse everyone's shoes at the wedding? Only this young lady, it seems.

It just cracks me up. Where is this "how to dress" manual? Who wrote the darn thing? Is there any objectiveness to it? How can we be certain? Clothing preference is subjective. Just because one person feels a particular clothing selection is inappropriate for a time or a place, doesn't make it so. I may think it's goofy for someone to wear a sweatshirt on a 70 degree summer night, but that's up to them. Their body is different than mine.

I'm going to come up with the excuse that this girl was drunk. She started calling my friend Matt Mr. Grumpy toward the end of the night when the guy wasn't muttering a word.

All I know is that I think I looked good tonight, that there was no objective finding in this girl's statements tonight, and am not going to allow one's subjectively biased views hamper the perception of my night any.


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