Wednesday, May 09, 2007

For Argument's Sake...

Ever know a person who seems intent on arguing every chance they get and whenever involved in a "discussion", they make a point to get the last word?

It reminds me of a silly skit they did on SNL not too long ago (one of the few times I've seen that show in the past couple years). This gal at a party made sure she got in the last word whenever she heard another person say anything. If a guy claimed that he knew the woman host of the party, this gal would up him one by saying, "Yeah, well, I've known her for 32 years. And I take care of her dog and yeah." If the man responded and said, "Well, I've known her a long time too. We used to go boating together", the gal would rebut with, "Yeah, well, she and I go boating every week, go sledding, kayaking, cruising, rock climbing. We climbed Mt. Everest together, yeah." At that point, I'd hope the man realizes he can't win with this one and it's best to just walk away.

It may make for a funny skit if someone was actually video taping and the parties didn't know about it. But, since that isn't the case and I actually have to witness and "partake" in these little "discussions", they can get to be quite old. It wouldn't matter what I said, if I stated that the capital city of Washington is Olympia or that Hank Aaron currently holds the record for home runs, this person would have to shoot back with, "Well, I've been to Washington" or "I hit a home run once". A game of brag-and-tell usually doesn't make for fun and healthy discussions. Hopefully, this person will learn that in time, but that last word is probably the teller- time. It will indeed take some time.


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