Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How I Love Those Whom Are Holier Than Thou

Ever know a person whom likes to lecture you with regard to "morals"? You know the person... If you drink a bit too much one night, have a fling, wear something that may be seen as provocative, admit to enjoying a film or song which may be controversial, like to streak around churches on Sunday, etc. and you get that look in return. Yeah, you know what look I'm talking (writing) about. That look that says, "How could you?" or "I'm disappointed in you." or "You're really not who I thought you were." or "I would never do something like that."

The worst part is the lecture. Many of these people have made the same mistakes before, if one wants to refer to them as mistakes, yet they'll lecture as if they're el perfecto. If one is there as a friend, to have a civil discussion with a person they're perhaps worried about, okay, that's fine. But, I honestly don't think anyone has the right to lecture morals to someone else, because you know what? We've all screwed up a time or two or fifty-six, many of the mistakes being very similar to that of others. So, since I've been drunk before, honestly, why should I be lecturing a friend on why they shouldn't have gotten drunk on a certain night and act as if I've never done such a thing? I'm not perfect. You're not perfect. Some random person named Jill Alexandria Furlough is not perfect. No one is perfect. So, it's time we all get off our high horses, relax, accept people's flaws, take a shot and follow that up by streaking around a church. Cheers!


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