Monday, February 27, 2006

Sympathy Blogs

Ever know two people who have a continuous argument with one another through blogs? Most likely, these two people are in a relationship or just getting out of one. The male will write his version of the story on his blog, as the female will do on her's. Then, they will read the other's blog and respond with a blog of their own. The drama can be a bit interesting and even amusing at times, but what's the point? Wouldn't it be better for the two people to actually talk things out? To speak to one another about the issues they raise in their blogs, as opposed to doing just that, and blogging about them? Are they written to gain sympathy from their readers? Is it cathartic? What if a reader takes the time to read both the male and female's blogs? Then, that person may be a bit confused on certain parts and may want to actually talk to the two people involved and ask them questions. But, what would that even do? Talk to the guy, he'll probably give his take on it and he's the innocent party. Talk to the gal, and she'll probably do likewise.

This is why I don't go into my personal life with these blogs. Why share all that and then, in the end, the relationship will probably not work out, so then what? Does the guy or the gal shut their blog down so the other can't read it anymore? Or shut it down, because they feel no motivation to blog anymore? Or, do they set a blog up on another site and not inform the other, so they can still blog, but the other can't read it? But, what if only one of the two parties does this? Is that fair? One party can still write their own happy little blog and read the other's, but that other party can write theirs, knowing the other can still read it, yet, can't read the other's blog. Is that a new rule of break-ups? Step 3 is to shut down your blog so the other party who was involved can't read it anymore?

What if the couple breaks-up and are discussing what step they should take next, and one party says they can't talk anymore, can't read their blogs anymore, can't have any contact whatsoever for, oh, let's say two to four weeks. But, here's the catch, after the two to four weeks are done, they'll send the other party their new blog site address, so they can read and catch up on the blogs they'd written in that timespan, and through that, find out how much they truly care about that other person. Wow, now, isn't that a thought? Let's see here, I couldn't show or tell you how much I cared for you recently or now. I won't even let you read my blogs anymore, so I shut down the one site and moved over to another. But, I will be so kind to let you read these blogs of mine in two to four weeks just so you know how much I care about you. Isn't that special? No, not exactly.

Maybe it's the latest thing to go around in the dating and love world. No longer are flowers, chocolates, poems, candlelight dinners, picnics, and spending quality time with a person considered romantic and worthwhile ways to show a person how much you care about them. In the future, it'll go like this. Keep in mind, the two characters depicted in this dialogue have been together for seven years.

Debra: "Hey honey, how are you today? I have a surprise for you later on! You're going to love it!"
Red: "I'm doing just fantastic. Oh, you have a surprise for me do you? I can't wait! I love surprises. So long as we're on the subject, I have a surprise for you as well, my sweet DebM1429763."
Debra: "Really? Really? Okay, I can't take it anymore. What's your surprise? You know how I can't handle not knowing!"
Red: "Allright, well, I'm writing you a special blog honey. You're going to love it!"
Debra: "No way! You're kidding me! That's my surprise for you! Gosh, you know what they say about great minds!"
Red: "Yes I do sweetie. I can't wait to read it! Well, I'm off to work. Have a great day and check on your blog in a few hours. It should be up by then!"

And they lived happily ever after. Awww, wasn't that sweet. I bumped into a genie last night and for my first wish, I wished to start a very special relationship in the not-too-distant future where my girlfriend and I would speak to each other through blogs. We'll see if the genie was genuine or a fake. A guy can dream, can't he?


Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...

Yeah... I tried to talk to him. I got an email from him, even. It was ridiculous. He actually said "I'm not your boyfriend anymore. I don't owe you anything" or something like that. And it was like "Um... okay... then why don't you listen to what you're saying? Why don't you realize that I don't owe YOU anything? Why don't you stop reading MY blog?" Emotional idiots... I swear.

5:44 PM  

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