Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Let's not pull another Iraq with Iran...

What good came from invading Iraq? That was how long ago? Bush and his Administration claimed that we'd be in and out, it'd be an easy mission, and we wouldn't spend much money in completing it. How wrong were they? It's been, what, over three years now? Rumsfeld and others have stated we could be there for ten years? Bush has said we'd be there so long as he was the president, so, at least another two and a half years? I won't even get into the money that's been put into the war.

How'd it all start out? With Bush and others claiming they had WMD, were dangerous, were part of the axis of evil, that they had a link between them and Al-Qaeda, amongst numerous other lies. Bush stated that war was the last resort and that they were attempting to work things out diplomatically as much as humanly possible. They claimed to have gone every other route, until war was the only option left. Again, more lies.

So, how's it starting this time? Same kind of thing. Iran is dangerous, are a part of the axis of evil, that they have the ability to make nuclear weapons, and that we'll try to work things out diplomatically, as war is the last resort.

It sounds all too familiar, doesn't it? Experts claim that Iran is a long ways away from having the ability to make nuclear weapons. Iran claims they're only a danger to us if we strike them. So, what on God's green earth are we doing? Is it Bush's point to make us the most hated country in the world? Is that the goal his trying to reach by the end of his tenure? Afghanistan, Iraq, then Iran, North Korea, Syria, China? When's it going to end? Thank God he only had two and a half more years to create chaos. Who knows how long it'll take to fix it all (even most of it).

Please, let's not pull another Iraq. Let's not start war with a country based on false pretenses and get more of our soldiers and innocent civilians killed. Let's not put our country more at risk of an attack by attacking another. Let's not waste more of our money on another war. I don't know what Bush is trying to do, but he and Jim Jones may want to stop drinking that kool-aid.


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