Friday, April 28, 2006

Ridiculous Review of "United 93"

This review was done by a gentleman by the name of Kevin Carr. The majority of what he writes isn't so bad, but there are a couple lines in there that made me roll my eyes and shake my head wildly in disbelief.

He claims that we need this movie. Supposedly, we need this movie to remember. And we need to remember so we don't let another 9/11 happen.

I'm sorry, what? You know, if it was up to us, 9/11 wouldn't have happened. How is a single movie going to make us remember a day we'll never forget and in doing that, motivate us to never allow another terrorist attack to occur on our soil? If I was an omnipotent God, then I'd prevent any terrorist attacks from happening on anyone's soil. But, I'm not omnipotent and I'm not God, so how in the world can I and others of this country just up and prevent something like this from ever happening again? How? I'd like to know. Is the movie an instructional piece on how to prevent terrorist attacks? If so, then this is news to me and probably to the actors, writers, producers, and directors of this film.

I mean, if a movie had come out directly following the first Gulf War, do you really think that would've prevented Bush to have gone in this time? Again, how's it in our power? After movies came out regarding the school shootings, did they happen again? Yes, they did. Will they happen in the future. Unfortunately, yes. What can I do about it? Be a "radical" left-winger and support some gun laws to be passed so it lessens the likelihood of these kids getting guns in the first place? But, that would be a horrible blow to the gun industry and we just can't have that.

I saw a foreign film not long ago, entitled "Paradise Now" and it revolves around the war going on between the Israelis and Palestinians. I saw that a few months ago. I'm just wondering, did that prevent attacks from happening again? Are they buddy buddy over there now?

I'm sorry Mr. Carr, but we do not "need" this movie. It's not going to help us "remember" something that will always be stuck in our minds, hearts, souls, and conscience. It will certainly not have anything to do with preventing another attack. Maybe the rest of the world should see it. Don't air the film in America, but air it everywhere else, so they can catch a glimpse of what we went through on that day. We've already lived that day. Why on earth re-live it? To help us "remember?"

What, if a wife is physically abused by a man for fifteen straight years until she finds it in her to leave him, should she watch homemade videos of him beating her every now and again to help her remember? So she won't allow it to happen again? It takes a long time to heal, recover, and get over something like that. It's not going to just happen overnight and replaying it over and over again isn't going to help things either. That'll bring back horrible flashbacks to which a regression is more likely than a progression.

It's been reported and stated by ever writers and the director of the film, that portions of it has been fictionalized (Hollywood-ized) and made up for dramatic effect and to fill in gaps or holes in the story. So, what we have is a fictional piece based on real life events that is meant to entertain and rake-in big bucks at the box office. The film was made in remembrance of the victims. Aren't we demeaning the victims by making this film? I bet you that this film breaks some kind of box office record this weekend. I bet that Bush's approval ratings increase starting on Monday, and I bet that our progression after 9/11 is temporarily set on pause, because many had to re-live the horrendous day.


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