Monday, August 28, 2006

An Unbelievable Stat (I mean this literally)

The other day, my brother told me that someone had informed him that crime in this country is divided like so: 60% committed by African-Americans, 49% committed by Latino-Americans, and 1% committed by Anglo-Americans. I told him right there, "I highly doubt that buddy." Why? First off, add the numbers up. What do they equal? 110%. Now, I know some coaches like to rattle off that old cliche, "Allright men, I want you to give me 110% out there!" But, in all reality, it's not possible. If I have one bowling ball in my possession that I want to sell, I cannot sell that bowling ball and with 10% of another one. I cannot sell 110% of my own bowling ball when there's only one there. See what I'm getting at? So, I have no idea whose rear-end these numbers came out of, but the numbers are inaccurate and stink to high heaven. I can only wonder who informed my brother of this. Maybe this individual is affiliated with some radical group, because even if one were to lessen the African-Americans' percentage down to 50, which would make it work from a mathematical standpoint, it's still ridiculous to believe that only 1% of crime is committed by Anglo-Americans, meanwhile African-Americans and Latino-Americans commit 99% of the crime. That has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard someone say for a while and to speak of it like a "fact" was the worst part. "A friend of mine saw this in a study." Uh-huh, what was the source? The Ku Klux Klan? Give me a break.

I've got a stat that I saw in a "study" the other day. Anyone who believes those crime statistics I noted above are more ignorant and less competent than emus from a mathematical perspective (and beyond), even with a calculator in their hands.


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