Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Negroponte Makes Interesting Statements (Contradictory Ones)

Intelligence Chief John Negroponte had this to say on Monday regarding the situation in Iraq, "The Iraq jihad is shaping a new generation of terrorist leaders and operatives." He also made note of this, "We are certainly more vigilant. We are better prepared. We are safer."

Okay then, so how does that exactly work? We are expanding terrorism overseas, making for a new generation of terrorist leaders, and yet, we're safer. Alrighty, so if a category 4 hurricane comes rolling through the gulf of the U.S. tomorrow, will we be safer? If we go on a killing spree in New York, L.A., and Chicago and the friends and family of the victims rise up against the government and their supporters, does that makes us safer? Oh boy, I feel so happy now. I need not be afraid because our war is creating a new generation of terrorists! Woohoo! I'm ecstatic!

Allright John, so, I'm trying to think on the same wavelength as you and believe me, that is a chore in and of itself. So, if our testing results in the areas of math and science dropped significantly, does that mean we're smarter than before? Let me know, because I'm having a difficult time understanding the logic of the two contradictory statements. Give me a call at 1-800-URSTPID and we'll talk about this.




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