Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Joe Torre

I'd be the first one to call George Steinbrenner insane to fire Joe Torre, manager of the New York Yankees. The guy has only led the team to 11 consecutive playoff appearances in his eleven years coaching the team, including four World Series victories. Who would Steinbrenner go to? Lou Pineilla? Didn't George already fire him once?

The only thing is, if I were Joe Torre, I wouldn't want to come back to this circus. Every single year, anything less than a World Series ring is considered a failure. Torre has to manage a team with over a $200 million payroll, which means, a lot of very big egos. If I were Torre, I'd get out of there, because every year is an emotional roller coaster. Even though he hasn't been fired time and time again like Billy Martin, there has been talk about it every year the guy doesn't bring a championship home with him. Doing it four times in eleven years just isn't enough for some, when there's a team in Chicago who'd be thrilled to win it once in a 100 year span.


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