Saturday, July 28, 2007

Selfish Times

Nope, again, I'm not referring to myself here, but to another very close to me. Their selfish words have bothered me enormously in the past week. There are three instances in which I speak:

1) My grandma had a 15-20 minute seizure two Wednesdays ago, followed by extremely heavy breathing on Thursday, and the doctors prevented her from eating or drinking anything from that point. Someone I know had scheduled a week and a half long trip (not far from where my grandma lived) to see some family. She was saddened by the news regarding my grandmother, but not because she was going to die within two weeks. No, she was saddened because her death was going to alter her plans.

2) Directly before my grandmother's death, this person called, almost surprised that she hadn't died yet. What'd she say following that? "Well, at least I'll get a free trip out of the deal."

3) My father was offered and accepted a job out-of-state. I have contemplated all my options and in the end, I felt I may be best served moving out-of-state, as well. But, what did this person respond with? "Well, you better think about it, because if you don't move, I'm going to think about it as well."

There you have it. In the past two weeks, this person has virtually said that my grandma's pending death didn't upset her as much as the fact it may alter her plans. She also said that she'd get a free trip out of the deal, due to my grandmother's upcoming memorial services. She also basically but she and my father's marriage upon my shoulders of moving with them or not. I don't know who this woman is anymore, but from what I've heard in the previous two weeks, I can't say I like all too much.


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