Friday, August 10, 2007

How in the world can this guy write for a living?

I'm referring to one Stu Bykofsky, a columnist of the Philadelphia Daily News.

Just recently in his column, Bykofsky stated, "ONE MONTH from The Anniversary, I'm thinking another 9/11 would help America."

He continued, "Remember the community of outrage and national resolve? America had not been so united since the first Day of Infamy - 12/7/41.

We knew who the enemy was then.

America's fabric is pulling apart like a cheap sweater.

What would sew us back together?

Another 9/11 attack.

It will take another attack on the homeland to quell the chattering of chipmunks and to restore America's righteous rage and singular purpose to prevail."

It cracks me up (not literally) that many extreme right-wingers will attack lefties as being soft on terror and because of this, almost supporting/aiding the terrorists. Then a righty comes out with a column such as this one, basically stating that we NEED another 9/11 attack on our soil and in essence, supporting terrorists.

To his credit (not really), Bykofsky, just like Bush and the rest of his administration would prefer that a mass bombing occur on our soil without any fatalities. That would be the perfect scenario, because all Bykofsky is really craving is American fear. With fear comes unity and a blind following to the leader (Bush). It seems as if Bykofsky's blind following is there regardless of the circumstances. I'm sorry to disappoint you...sir...but the American level of fear has slowly dissipated since the horrific events on 9/11 and what was once a blind 90% approval rating for the president has dipped to near record lows anywhere between 26% and 32%. One can say what they want about dissent. Dissent prevents us from losing what our soldiers provided for us. But, to wish a terrorist attack upon our soil for a political agenda? That's not dissent. That's treason and stupidity right there. I hope this "man" and the Philadelphia Daily News receive many letters surrounding this article and at the very least, he's forced to issue an apology in his next column. That's the very least he can do.


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