Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Bush and God

Again, Bush claimed that what he was doing was through God just yesterday at a church. This isn't the first time he's done this. He's actually said such things on more of a national stage, during a nationally-televised speech.

Bush seems to use God as a reason or a cop out for any mistake he's made. Katrina, NSA, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Valerie Plame, they were all acts of God. Bush was just doing what the Good Lord instructed him to do. I wonder what meds he's on, because he often times sounds delusional. I wonder if he sees "dead people." Well, he obviously does, in Bin Laden, so, that right there answers that question.

Would that work in court? If Bush was charged for doing something(s) illegal, would it work in front of a judge or a jury for him to say, "I was doing these things in the name of the Lord?" I would surely hope not, unless he was trying to get off on an insanity plea. Then, it might be possible. But, otherwise, I'm not thinking so.

The funny thing is, when I read stories where Bush is not in front of a large set of people, he acts anything but Christian. The man has a favorite finger and I think we can all imagine which one that is. Yes, it's in between the ring and index. He'd also need to have his mouth washed out with soap a few times, just like in the flick, "A Christmas Story." He seems to be rather judgmental. Yet, when he's in front of a large group of people, especially those at a church, he whips out those BS lines about how he's following through with God's word and he's doing the work of the Lord. Unfortunately, some of them buy it. Gullibility is a politician's best friend.

When it all comes down to it, some people believe Bush to be God. Honestly, I think Bush believes himself to be God. He fears nothing. He believes he won't have to face any consequence regardless of his action. The man seems to believe he's immortal.

They should start doing skits on SNL like they did back when Mike Ditka coached the Chicago Bears, but instead, compare Bush to God. I can only imagine the look on Dubya's face if he saw and heard that.


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