Wednesday, May 31, 2006

"Over the Hedge" Review

"Over the Hedge" is the latest animated film to hit theaters. The lead character goes by the name of R.J., a raccoon (voice of Bruce Willis) who attempted to steal a bear's food while it was hibernating, but accidentally destroyed it all. The bear gives R.J. a limited amount of time to get him the same food that R.J. had destroyed. If R.J. doesn't, then, well, he may be residing in the bear's stomach when all is said and done.

While thinking of a plan to obtain all the food, R.J. bumps into a group of animals that seem friendly and naive'. They include: a turtle (Gary Shandling), a squirrel (Steve Carrell), a possum (Eugene Levy), a skunk, and some porcupines. R.J. tries talking the family of animals into going over the hedge into suburbia and eating the best food in the world. Of course, he doesn't tell them why he's really wanting to do this. What transpires is a raccoon manipulating a group of animals into a plan that's made out like it was in "Ocean's Eleven."

After seeing this film, the only word that really comes to mind is "cute." It's difficult to have too high expectations for animated films anymore, ever since "Shrek" was released onto the big screen, but this was a very watchable film. There were never any slow moments. The characters were likable in their own ways, and there were a few giggles along the way. Most came at the expense of Steve Carrell's character, the squirrel, named Hamilton. That thing comes across as one addicted to speed and jolt cola. It's nothing compared to "Shrek," but is watchable, especially with the family. If you're not seeing it with the family, then one can wait until it comes out on video.

Grade: 6/10


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