Wednesday, July 12, 2006

They Just Don't Give Up, Do They?

In this case, the "they" I'm referring to are Republicans and their insistence that Bush never lied about his WMD claims, because WMD's were found in Iraq!

As reported by Rowan Scarborough of the conservative "Washington Times," 500 munitions have been found in Iraq since 2003. They claim that this is evidence that Saddam Hussein was indeed concealing weapons of mass destruction.

Pennsylvania Republicans Curt Weldon said this, "The resolution didn't say pre-'91 chemical weapons. It didn't say post-'91 chemical weapons. It said chemical weapons. Saddam Hussein violated this resolution and others like it. In part because of such violations, we voted to authorize the use of military force in Iraq."

But, from every report and study I've seen, these munitions are said to have been produced before the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, and thus, are no longer useable.

An anonymous briefer told reporters, "The priority of the ISG (Iraq Survey Group, which headed the hung for WMDs) was to look for post-Desert Storm (1991) munitions, newer stuff. It was not looking for older stuff. And so this doesn't really bear on the issue."

The 35% of Americans who still support President Bush still probably buy this claim, don't they? Some may not even think about it anymore, because "The President was trying to spread freedom and democracy overseas all along." Yeah, right, and Cheney can't differentiate between a friend and a quail. Oh, well, I guess that is true. So, forget that comparison.

So, let me get this straight. Let's say that I'm young and want to do my body some good, so I make a promise to drink lots of milk. Unfortunately, because of a cow disease, milk is difficult to find anymore. But, low and behold, I find a bunch of full cartons stashed away in an attic. They are 10-15 years expired. Think that the milk will do me as much good then as it did before the expiration date was passed?

Give up with the lies. No post-Desert Storm weapons of mass destruction were found, so I'm sorry. You were wrong. Weep about it. It's over. Bin Laden hasn't been found. He's dead. Quit with the deceptive tapes. It's over. Quit saying "Mission: Accomplished." How long ago was that said? Bush still says to this day, "We will not back down until our mission has been accomplished." Yeah, he was a bit premature and wrong when he made his statement who knows how long ago. Cry about your hero being wrong. Deal with it. What isn't over are civilians being bombed, raped, and slaughtered. What isn't over are troops being kept from their homes, being wounded and killed. What isn't over is this ridiculous war on terror. Unfortunately, what isn't over is Bush's reign in his throne.



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