Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Rummy's Ironic Statement

Feeling the heat from Republicans and Democrats alike who are not too thrilled with Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, he has decided to lash out at Bush critics and make ironic statements. What do I mean? Let me show you.

At a flight training base for Navy and Marine pilots, Rumsfeld answered many questions and had this to say in regard to "the enemy." "What bothers me most is how clever the enemy is." "They are actively manipulating the media in this country." "They can lie with impunity." "The enemy lies constantly - almost without penalty."

So, wait a minute. Now, I'm confused. Who's he talking about? Because, I seem to remember Bush, Rummy, and others in the administration who fit this bill pretty well. There were numerous lies that led up to the war. Bush has admitted to violating the Constitution and committing international war crimes, yet, he's still in office. They lie constantly and almost without penalty. How ironic indeed. So, Donald, may I call you Donald? Is this "enemy" that you're talking about overseas or is it sitting right here in the U.S.? Because the two of you, from how you described, sound awfully similar to one another.




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