Tuesday, October 24, 2006

"Stay the course," NOT! I mean...

President George W. Bush just recently claimed that he's never been a "stay the course" kind of guy. I just had to laugh at that. How many times (like anyone can count that high) has Bush claimed that we would "stay the course" in Iraq and the "War on Terror"? Whew. If anybody has kept track, please let me know. I've lost track. Does Bush think we're THAT stupid? What, if I'm married and tell my wife that I'm true to her and I say that 497 times in a 6 year span and then one day, I come forward and say, "I've never been true to you and I never said that I was going to be," what, do I think she'd sudden get a severe case of Alzheimer's or my one statement on not being true and never saying I would be true would overtake the 497 times where I claimed that I was true? Wowsers...


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