Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Were Democrats Behind The OUTING Of Foley?

Some Republicans have contended that Democrats were behind the OUTING of Foley. Because we are only 3-4 weeks from the elections, the information that was released now of all times seemed a bit too suspicious. Some have claimed that now was not a "good" time for the information to be released.

Whether the Democrats were behind it or not, does it really matter? Since the charges are true, what's it matter who released the information? Also, when would it be a "good" time? When would it ever be a "good" time for the public to discover that a Republican Senator from Florida wrote sexually explicit instant messages and e-mails to teenage pages and had sex with one of them (who was 21)? It would NEVER be a good time for the Republicans. While it is especially BAD timing just a few weeks away from election, never would the news be told at a "good" time. Around Christmas, during spring break, in November following the elections, or February 29th on a leap year, it wouldn't be a "good" time.

The important thing is that Foley has been OUTED, an investigation is underway, and Foley won't be getting away with it again. Republicans just want to divert attention away from themselves before more chaos ensues, as it was made known that some knew about it as far back as 2000.


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