Saturday, January 27, 2007

"The Decision-Maker"

"The decider." "The decision-maker." "The Commander-in-Chief." "The president." Yeah, President Bush has not been coy about giving himself such credit with these and other nicknames.

It's like he needs to continually remind himself that he is in the top leadership position in the country. Why else would he need to say such things? Or is it to remind others that have been making decisions for him that he should have a say in things?

Whatever the reason, it doesn't make me feel so great. It just so happens that "the decider" led the people on with false reports stating that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, which prompted us into war with them. "The decision-maker" made the decisions of opening other's mail and wiretapping without warrants. "The Commander-in-Chief" put into action such laws as the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind Act, and Military Commissions Act, which allowed for the sneak and peak, deleted habeas corpus, etc. I don't care what he calls himself, he's going to have to make better decisions if he wants to get credited by the majority with such names and with the troop surge being "The president's" next great idea, I'm not guessing that credit is going to come anytime soon.


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