Monday, January 22, 2007

What is it with leaders?

How many times have we heard President Bush or a member of his administration (most recently, Dick Cheney) state that criticizing or questioning the government plays right in the hands of one (dead) Osama Bin Laden and the terrorists? Is this response some international code for leaders to use when questioned or criticized? Current Iraqi president Maliki said the same thing about Bush and his administration for criticizing and questioning the Iraqi government. He stated that by doing that, it was playing right in the hands of the terrorists. As many who've read this blog know, I am by no means, a supporter of the Bush White House, but let's get serious. Just as I think it's ridiculous to label dissenters of the Bush administration as treasonous, unpatriotic, and terrorist sympathizers, I think the same holds true of any administration, including the one in Iraq. I can only wonder what would be said if there was no "War on Terror" going on. The Bush administration would probably just attempt to bastardize the term "liberal" even more than they have and I'm unsure what Maliki would do. Yes, freedom reigns supreme. Let's spread DEMOCRACY all throughout the world. But, if you question or criticize us? You're a terrorist sympathizer! Whaaaaat? Did I miss something here? Chumps.


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