Monday, January 22, 2007

Movie Taste

Ever know a person whose movie taste you just can't stand? Whenever they ask you out to a movie or ask if you want to come over to see a movie, you cringe? I know a person like that.

This past week, he rented films such as: The Covenant, The Descent, Crank, and Employee of the Month. The Covenant was awful. I don't even have the words to describe that flick. It was like the WB's version of a horror film. The acting was dreadful. The story and plot did anything but garner my interest. The dialogue was like that between two six-year olds. The Descent was overrated, I thought. The acting was better in that film than in The Covenant, but I was never really drawn into the story and wasn't frightened, in the least bit. Crank was a "guy's" movie: not much there in terms of plot or storyline, not much there in terms of acting, but lots of action, some nudity, explosions, gunfire, speed, etc. Employee of the Month, was, all together, destitute. Jessica Simpson can't act, so quit trying. She and comic Dane Cook had the chemistry of Screech Powers and Kelly Kopowski.

This isn't anything new to this lad. As far as actors go, he thinks The Rock (yes, the wrestler) and Vin Diesel are elite. I can't wait to hear his appraisal for John Cena in The Marine.

He and I have both taken one film course, but I don't pretend to know it all about cinema, because of that. He does. I find that extremely funny, given the fact that he feels the likes of Vin Diesel and The Rock are great actors and that the movie, Crank, has an extremely clever plot and storyline. He also has a great deal of trouble understanding certain films and the message behind them, such as, Lost in Translation, The Royal Tennenbaums, and A Scanner Darkly. He can see the point in Crank, Doom, and The Fast and the Furious, but not in the other three films I mentioned.

I will be completely and utterly dismayed if he ever suggests a movie that appears to be halfway intelligent, with proven actors in it. ::checks watch::, yeah, that'll be the day. I won't be holding my breath, rest assured of that!


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