Friday, February 16, 2007

Christians are the only victims in America... Give me a break!

I received a lovely forward e-mail from a relative of mine yesterday. It's entitled, "New School Prayer" and relays to us how Christianity is truly victimized in this country.

It compares Christians losing rights to people having pre-marital sex, dying their hair different colors, piercing themselves, studying witchcraft, swearing, birth control, and dressing out of the realm which is considered normality.

When one is in grade, middle, and high school, if it's not a holiday and someone dyes their hair green and keeps it that way for an extended period of time, there will be some talk behind his or her back. During those years, when someone has a few visible piercings, again, there will be some staring and some talking behind their back. If someone prays loudly in the hallway in between periods, again, there will be some staring going on, some laughing, and chattering. For those that do not "fit in" to the social norm during those years of their lives, they're going to hear about it from some others. Is that right? No. But, it's common and whether one wants to acknowledge the facts or not, it's going to happen.

Everything will offend someone in the world. Dyed hair, piercings, tattoos, praying in the hallway, clothing styles, certain music, art, or film, language, jokes. Just pick a random noun or a verb in the dictionary, and chances are, someone in the world is offended by it in one manner or another.

So, why is it so that Christians are the true victims in this country? Why? I'd like to know. Christianity is the most practiced religion in this country. It is very much in the majority. Just because there are other religions practiced does not deny that fact. What? No organized prayer in school? What are public schools there for? To teach religion? To focus on Christianity? No. If you want your kids to be in that type of environment, take them to church and send them to a Christian school. Regardless, people can still silently pray at public schools. What, are the public school gods going to strike a person with a bolt of lightning every time he or she bows their head before a test and silently mumbles to themself? I don't think so. What, taking "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance? It wasn't there in the first place. It was placed there during the Cold War to combat Russia's philosophy, to differentiate ourselves from their communistic culture. That's all it was placed there for. There's no reading scriptures in class? Again, if you want your children in that kind of atmosphere, take them to church and send them to a Christian school. It's not the public school system's job to shove Christianity down each child's throats. That's not what the majority of parents are sending them there for. If they wanted that, then again, they'd send them to a different type of school.

I hate to get under this person's skin (not literally- ew), but this is America and from what I know, we were founded upon our liberties, which includes freedom of religion. People can practice Voodoo, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, etc. That's their right. That's their freedom. That's one major reason many people come to this country in the first place. Just because Christianity is the most practiced does not make it right to shove it down every child's throat in the public schools. Anglo-Americans are the majority here, as well. That does not make it right for professors to only teach about the White Man. Schools are for educating and attempting to broaden children's minds to the fullest of their potential. That can only be done through the teaching of a diverse array of subjects and topics within those subjects. No child's mind will be able to reach its capacity if they're only taught about one ethnicity, one religion, one theory, one fact, one claim, one formula, one recipe, one stretch, one lift, one sport, one song, one film, one poem, one book, etc.

There are schools out there that focus more on Christianity than the public ones do. They will involve the students in prayer, in the reading of scriptures, etc. Of course, churches involve that and thensome. These types of activities can also take place at home. Christianity is not THE victim in this country, but it is not the sole proprietor either. Just as many of these people can't understand why Anglos- aren't the only ethnic group here, why there are any bi- or homosexuals walking the streets, they can't seem to understand why other religions are practiced here as well. To them, the freedom of religion is just that, the freedom to practice THEIR religion and the freedom of speech is the freedom to practice what THEY think and believe. They're free to believe in Christianity. They're free to bow their head while in an airplane and have a quiet conversation with God. They're free to bring a Bible to a car shop and read it while the mechanic works on their automobile. They just have to realize that others have this right too, with their respective religion and beliefs.


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