Thursday, February 15, 2007

Cupid Died...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day, or as I like to call it, Capitalism's Fall Back and Convenience Fest. It's almost obligatory (many believe) to buy candy, chocolates, and flowers on this day. Then it's show-and-tell time. Ooh, he got you what? You're so lucky!

There are lovely commercials displayed before the holiday, attempting to guilt people into spending more money than they should. I'm getting a little sick of hearing the Kay commercials. They must have a demented way of spelling where they come from, because if what they say is true, loved ones would be giving one another hugs and kayisses. To my knowledge, I don't go around kayissing the person/people I love. It'd get to be a bit of a tongue twister if a couple talked about kissing on a kayak. Kayiss me on the kayak. It'd get really bad if a guy said that to a gal by the name of Kayla. Kayla, kayiss me on the kayak.

One has to love this day. I overheard my father telling a story about where he works. They had a room full of flowers for ladies to pick-up throughout the day. I guess some even called flowers in for themselves, so they didn't feel left out. Oh, come on. Is it worth it? Spending that money, so one doesn't look like a misfit, even though, deep down, they know they bought the flowers for themselves? What is with this holiday? It seems to do more harm than good, doesn't it? Oh, wait, nevermind, it makes the capitalist gods content. Overcommercialized, guilt ridden, capitalist holidays have to make one smile, or cringe, depending on who you are. I used to cringe. Now, I just laugh. It's more fun, trust me.


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