Monday, January 29, 2007

Can/Will Hillary Admit to a Mistake?

I've been one of the few people I know, who has attempted to remain neutral on Hillary Clinton, when most others are either strongly in favor of or strongly opposed to her.

One problem I've been having with her lately is the fact that she seems reluctant on admitting to a mistake.

Perhaps she feels a bit stuck, for the simple fact that she's the first woman to be the lead candidate of any party for a presidential election. Being a woman and hypothetically, the first woman president in our history, perhaps some want to stereotype she and other women as not being decisive enough to be president or that they may not have a strong enough character. So, maybe Hillary is just fearful of the public's reactions (press, especially- Faux News) if she were to admit that she made a mistake. But, if that's not the case, then I've got a problem with it.

Who has been so reluctant over the past 6+ years of admitting to mistakes? President George W. Bush. I don't want to see a president like him, in that manner, in '08. What really confuses me is the fact Hillary supported the war early on, then went to join her Democratic colleagues in disapproving it, and now seems to be back and forth on where she stands on the issue. Deep down, she may disapprove and want out of Iraq as soon as possible, but she's fooled me, if that's the case.

John Edwards has stepped up and admitted he was wrong in voting for the war at the outset and is now strongly against what's transpiring. Barack Obama has been against it from the very start. Hillary may want to find out where she really stands and what she wants to do, because she may have the lead right now amongst Democrats, but a lot can happen in two years (well, not quite) and if she doesn't shapen up and let her true views and ideas known, I wouldn't be surprised if Edwards or Obama represented the Democratic Party in the '08 election.


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