Sunday, February 04, 2007

Is Biden Still Going To Run? Seriously?

Delaware Democratic Senator, Joe Biden, just recently announced that he's going to run for president in the '08 election. Then, that very same day, he made some bonehead comments. He was heavily critical of Hillary's potential war plans, was uncertain that John Edwards had any idea of what he was doing, and then the most bonehead of them all came at the expense of Barrack Obama. Biden stated that Obama is the first African-American running for president who is clean, articulate, good-looking, etc. Yeah, not smart. He had to make some apologies thereafter. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann even joked on his show by saying something along the lines of, "So, Biden announced today that he's running for president in '08. Will he announce tomorrow that he's no longer doing that?" Seriously, I don't think Biden had much of a chance anyway. Clinton, Obama, Edwards, and even Gore are better liked than him. Then after making the statement(s) he made this past week? Good luck, buddy. You know, he and Bush should just get into a televised debate. That'd be one comedy I may have to sit down for!


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