Saturday, August 11, 2007

Unusual Night...

When a friend called me last night and asked if I wanted to meet him up at a lounge, for some reason, my gut told me no. I figured, by now, I'd learn to listen to my gut more regularly, but for some reason, I decided to ignore it last night.

My friend was already hosed by the time I got to the lounge and we headed to another bar not long after. When my brother arrived, my friend put his arm around my brother, looked at me, and said something along the lines of, "We're both pretty cool guys, right? You're a cool guy. I'm a cool guy. Right?" My brother laughed and nodded. My friend then said, "Let's give your brother (me) a makeover." I tried to be a good sport and laughed, just hoping it was a one-joke affair and we could begin talking about something else. But, no, that wasn't the case. My friend continued... "You've got one of the best personalities of anyone I know and not just comedic, just all-around. You're one of the best looking guys I know. You have one of the best smiles I know (Two nights earlier, he stated that I was the smartest guy he knew)." He then pointed to himself and said, "Look at me. I don't like this hair. This shirt isn't comfortable. But, you know what? I get some tail. If I had your looks, your smile, your personality, I could get ten times what I'm getting now. So, what do you say? With all that you have to offer, you should be able to go anywhere and pick up any girl you want. Come on. It'll be fun for everybody. Come on. We'll get you into some nice collared shirts. We can go to the gym and work-out. It'll be fun." I'm just paraphrasing. He spoke at much greater length than I wrote.

He was pretty hammered. If he remembers or claims not to remember what he said is beyond me at this juncture. But, what am I to take from all that? Seriously? With how he started his schpiel, contending that he and my brother were both cool guys and that they should give me a make-over, doesn't that sound as if he's making the claim that I'm not a cool guy or in any case, not nearly as cool as them? But if the former were the case, that would contradict his later statement about me having one of the best personalities he's come across. So, perhaps his intent was to say, "You're cool, but could be a lot cooler and we could be two guys to show you a new side to coolness." He kept pointing to different girls and saying, "You could have that." I responded with, "I could have that now, but I don't want that now." He shook his head and said, "No, you couldn't." and "Don't lie to yourself. You could get some serious tail." I responded, "Why not? Why not now? What's so wrong with this (points to self) right now?" Perhaps he was avoiding the question, because he never answered and continued to preach the word of who I could be.

For how hammered he was, I don't know how seriously I should take his words. Was he more honest because of this or was he just spouting things off that he probably won't remember come today?

According to my friend, it's all about the shirt and the muscles. I wear my hair naturally. I don't do anything fancy with it. It is what it is, I guess. I usually wear khakis or jeans. In the hot summer, I tend to go the t-shirt route and in the winter, I usually go with either sweaters or sweatshirts. We had a heat index at one point yesterday of 105 degrees. I'm not going to dress fancy on such a day. I'm going in shorts and a t-shirt. Physically, I'd say I'm fairly athletic, but as with just about anybody, I could use some improvement. But, unlike my friend, who does nothing, as far as I know, in terms of working out, I just started jogging, along with taking 3-4 walks per day and hundreds of push-ups and sit-ups daily. I could hit the weights some, but I feel that the sit-ups and push-ups suffice.

Toward the end, my friend commented, "We need to make an already hot guy even hotter."

There are many different interpretations I could have regarding all his talk last night. If he truly wants to go and work out more, I'd be okay with that, because that's something I already do and it's something I want. I don't want it to attract the opposite sex. I simply want it for me, to have more endurance while playing sports or being active in any realm, and with that, to feel better about myself. But, if he wants me to completely alter my wardrobe, that's not going to happen. I feel good and comfortable in what I wear. I don't feel the need to impress people by wearing an expensive outfit every day. If they immediately pass negative judgment because I'm wearing a t-shirt on a 98 degree day, then they're not the kind of person I want to be with anyway. My friend seems to think it's all about "game" and "getting tail," but I'm not like that. It seems like I'm his experiment or blue-chip recruit. He recruited me to "nab some tail," so he wants me to fulfill my potential to see just how much "tail" I can get. I hope he was joking about that portion of the sermon, because while I'd love to fulfill my "attraction" potential, I wouldn't want to do that to simply lure the opposite sex in for sexual pleasure. If he truly believes that I'd ever be like that, then he doesn't know me very well. I know he hasn't seemed to of cared in his past (or his present) when it comes to cheating or heartbreaking others, but again, I'm not like him. I'm flattered that he thinks so highly of me and my "potential." If he sees that as an opportunity to get me back out on the market, start dating again, and hopefully meet a special someone, then that's great. But, if he just sees it as an opportunity to basically be my pimp, then he can forget it. I've known this guy for probably close to 20 years. There are times when I feel he knows me better than I may credit him for, yet there are others when I wonder if he really knows me much at all. Hopefully, he recalls what all he said last night and either apologizes or elaborates on what he was attempting to express.


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