Thursday, October 04, 2007

Bloomberg Has One Word for Surveillance Critics - "Ridiculous!"

New York Mayor Bloomberg had this to say recently while in London, "It's just ridiculous people who object to using technology," when speaking about surveillance.

In regard to privacy, Bloomberg stated, "You've already given that away when you buy a car and register it and put a license plate on the back, which is basically putting your name on the back of the car."

London has now put a camera in every bus and subway. Bloomberg's response? "We are way behind and we really do have to catch up."

Ridiculous people who object to utilizing technology, eh? Where do we find these people? What, is such a fallacy going swing the undecided over to his side, much like Bush's, "You're either with us or with the terrorists!"? This may be a newsflash for Bloomberg, but technology, as is true of any entity, may be used for good, productive means, poor and harmful means, or somewhere in between. Yes, technology could potentially benefit the feds in catching more criminals, keeping track of these individuals, etc., but didn't I just read not too long ago Republicans' fear of the Internet being potentially used to recruit terrorists? I'm not saying that's true or not, but there is indeed potential for there to be negative results in regard to technology.

Bloomberg also claimed that he hadn't read any negative letters/feedback from the general public in regard to surveillance cameras. What a load of bull-honky that is. Then why in the world did he decide to come forth with these comments in the first place? If there are no surveillance critics, why did he remark that all surveillance critics are ridiculous people? Sorry buddy, you may be able to fool your most loyal supporters, but not those who can read between a politician's lying lips.

Most people I know agree with there being some surveillance, but most people I know also believe that there is such a thing as too much surveillance. According to Bloomberg, there is no such thing, unless it watches his every move, then he may have his complaints as a "ridiculous person." But, since it deals with his voting public more so than him, it's no big deal. How I love politicians...


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