Saturday, January 26, 2008 should wake up themselves!

No, this isn't a blog praising the site, so if you're a member or a proud supporter of, I'd recommend you leave now, so that you aren't too ticked by the time you start reading this...

Are the supporters gone now? Okay, good.

An uncle of mine sent me an e-mail with a link to this site and I had a hunch before clicking on it, but as I expected, it was a site dedicated to right-wing views. I'm not sure if my uncle realizes it or not or perhaps he does and he's simply trying to convert me, but I am anything but a righty when it comes to my political views. I respect his right to agree with extreme conservatives, but I also have the right to my own belief system and to disagree with him on these issues. Now, on to the site.

It was quite disturbing for me. I perused it quite thoroughly and what did I come to see? The site read like something I imagine a hybrid of Rush Limbaugh and David Koresch (sp.?) would write. The site claimed that it's main intention was to warn Americans of the true threat of radical Islam, but it also got into illegal immigration, Hillary Clinton, etc.

The site claims that Muslims began a 20 year effort to destroy the West and this mission began in 2000. So, according to this page, the West will be no more in 2020.

It claims that all mainstream media outlets are controlled by the left. (although, it didn't mention Fox News, which was VERY surprising...)

The author, if you want to call him/her/them/it that, stated that they don't list their names on that site, because they've already received a great deal of hate mail.

The author also said that conspiracy theorists have insulted their views for not believing into the 9/11 conspiracy-hype and that left-wingers have attacked them for their conservative views.

The site praised Newt Gingrich, who's had a few nutty ideas of his own throughout his political career.

It ranted on Islam and made the claim that the Qu'ran's mention of "killing the infidels," proved that Islam is a vicious, hateful, and evil religion. It, of course, doesn't mention similar such scriptures in the Bible. I guess those don't count...

The site proclaimed that no Democrat carries with them the values that the makers of the site seeks in a president and then went on to bash Hillary Clinton for a while.

It complained about the Patriot Act potentially not being continued in the future and about foreigners having Habeas Corpus rights.

It gave links to books written by: Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, and David Limbaugh, amongst othes and on topics ranging from why liberals/Democrats are destroying America to the evils of Islam. Yes, it was a fair and balanced site, to be certain.

Movies that it mentioned? "The Islamic Mein Kampf" and "Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews".

Other links? WMD (War to Mobilize Democracy), links on terrorism, Islam, immigration, and 9/11 conspiracy "myths".

A grand number of headlines revolved around the Clintons and in a very negative manner.

It defined liberalism as, "'s the easy way out, if you want to escape reality, just keep your head buried in the sand, or somewhere else where the sun doesn't shine."

Wow, what can I say in regard to this site? I must admit, I'm curious as to who the creators are. I won't send any hate mail. That's not my style. But, I am curious. When I read through the page(s), it sounded like some angry college kids involved in the far right fraternity, or something along those lines. Some portions were humorous, because it kept harping on how the mainstream media has a liberal political agenda and yet it preached it's own neo-conservative one. Kind of a double-standard there, is it not? I'm not a huge fan of the mainstream media, but I don't understand how they can be called the ultra left or controlled by the left. Fox News is anything but liberal. Fox News is about as liberal as I am emu. The other major news channels? Such as MSNBC and CNN? Yeah, they talk about Democratic or "liberal" candidates, but they also speak about Republican or "conservative" ones. Tonight, as the South Carolina Democratic Primary is taking place, the channels are mainly focusing on the Democratic candidates and what tonight's results may mean in the future. On Tuesday night, as the Republican Florida Primary will be held, they will mainly be speaking about the candidates on the right.

It also spoke out against Hitler, the Holocaust, and preached about how Hitler was able to follow through with his extremely ill intentions. It compared Osama bin Laden and the Muslim population to Hitler and that if we didn't stand up soon, we'd have a Holocaust-type event in the United States. Then it spoke out about Christian rights and against most others' rights. The sneak and peek (no warrant necessary) in the original Patriot Act should be permitted according to them. We should return to the McCarthy era where Habeas Corpus rights are not granted to everyone, foreign and domestic. It sounds as if these individuals want there to be more rights in the federal government, so long as that government is uber-conservative in their values, yet is warning us that if we don't watch our backs, we'll soon see a federal government with extensive powers that will be able to control us in the same manner Hitler was able to during the Holocaust. Another double-standard there, and a very scary one at that.

This site made all Muslims out to be evil and that's purely ignorant. That'd be the same as a Muslim overseas believing all Christans to be evil. Holy books, such as the Bible or the Qu'ran were originally written a very LONG time ago and have been modified and translated countless times since their initial production. There are also countless interpretations to the books. Believe me, if there weren't, if there was actually one interpretation, one answer, someone would be extremely rich.

This sounded like a lengthy campaign ad if Rush Limbaugh were to run for president or perhaps Sean Hannity. I mean, if someone truly believes we are in danger and that "radical" Muslims present an imminent threat, okay, that's fine, but why disregard the argument entirely by making it sound like some kind of neo-conservative political agenda-related rant? Point out the numbers, from viable sources, without any bashing of a candidate(s) and one party's views on one issue or another.

Why does it often times sound like a war, a battle, a competition to uber-conservatives? It's us vs. them, Christianity vs. Islam, Republicans vs. Democrats, conservatives vs. liberals, everyone vs. the Clintons, etc., etc., etc. It's funny, as the author(s) to this site claimed that liberalism is the easy way out, when it seems that the makers of this site and perhaps others who think similarly, have very simplistic views on people and life, in general. There are no shades of grey. It's black or white, true or false, right or wrong. The easy way out? I'll let them ponder that one over.


Blogger Jim said...

The cartoons were very "informative" too. One said Obama was "smoking pot and snorting cocaine" in college when McCain was being held prisoner. Obama was 6 years old but remember that all their stuff is "factual" Good luck!

1:11 PM  
Blogger Jim said...

The cartoons were very "informative" too. One said Obama was "smoking pot and snorting cocaine" in college when McCain was being held prisoner. Obama was 6 years old but remember that all their stuff is "factual" Good luck!

1:12 PM  
Blogger Christina said...

I know it is a bit ex post facto, but what is it with uncles/grandmas/cousins/etc. sending right wing propoganda, especially when they KNOW that there is no way in the world we, their highly educated nieces(nephews)/gradchildren/cousins buy into the jingoistic & xenophobic logic of the right? I found your nice little blog when trying to figure out who in the world this "" publisher was (to no avail) and I pretty much have to agree with every word you typed, oh so many months ago.

Oh, and of course I can't forget, Go Obama!

11:51 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

Hey, thanks for the comments. Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've posted a blog on this site. I've been in the midst of a move, so while I've wanted to keep up the writing, I just haven't found the time to do so. I'll try to improve as the election nears. Thanks again.

Oh, and by the way, yeah, I hear (read, I guess) you when it comes to certain relatives spreading political nonsense. I've received forwarded e-mails from two uncles of mine over the past 2-3 months regarding Obama, anything from him potentially being the Anti-Christ to how he isn't actually a U.S. citizen to he's actually an alien from Neptune attempting to take over the world. Oddly enough, I believed the third e-mail I mentioned to be the most

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It ranted on Islam and made the claim that the Qu'ran's mention of "killing the infidels," proved that Islam is a vicious, hateful, and evil religion. It, of course, doesn't mention similar such scriptures in the Bible. I guess those don't count...

One clear difference: I don't recall there being anybody who reads the Bible running around bombing World Trade Centers, Pentagons, and train stations. And I don't recall any Christian Minister or Jewish Rabbi, except one notable exception connected to Mr. Obama, standing at a pulpit spewing hate. Now if there are any of notable numbers, I don't see them tying up the armies of any countries they are trying to destroy. I have lived in the Middle East and observed moderate Islam at work convicting non-believers of traffic violations caused by believers because of the belief that the violations would never happen if the non-believers were not there. So be it there prerogative, but I fear the possibility of waking up one morning to find that I am in violation of something I didn't do just because I'm here. Albeit is a bit out there, but they can't be stopped by, "Why can't we all just get along?". Whoever steps in and tries that tactic is going to get severely beaten as did the originator of that idea. Both sides or going to have to go, aberrations that they are, but I don't see anybody stepping in to do that. All I see and hear is this side and the other trying to take the mountain. Sad, it's probably is going to happen because the liberal left has wishy-washed around and let both grow. Anarchy is but a door opening away, I hope nobody opens it before my time is up.

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As with everyone else, I couldn't find who owned the site, but a whois search says it is out of Scottsdale AZ. Any candidates we know of that are from there?

Domain ID:D106860772-LROR
Created On:11-Jul-2005 08:10:45 UTC
Last Updated On:03-Nov-2007 11:51:23 UTC
Expiration Date:11-Jul-2009 08:10:45 UTC
Sponsoring, Inc. (R91-LROR)
Registrant ID:GODA-024113158
Registrant Name:Registration Private
Registrant Organization:Domains by Proxy, Inc.
Registrant Street2:15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Scottsdale
Registrant State/Province:Arizona
Registrant Postal Code:85260
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+1.4806242599
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:+1.4806242598
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant *******************
Admin ID:GODA-224113158
Admin Name:Registration Private
Admin Organization:Domains by Proxy, Inc.
Admin Street2:15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Scottsdale
Admin State/Province:Arizona
Admin Postal Code:85260
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.4806242599
Admin FAX:+1.4806242598

6:49 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

I'm not going to go into great detail with the 5th comment. All I'll say is if you haven't seen or heard any Christian Ministers spewing hate, you must remove your blinders and ear plugs. I left the church I attended for a number of years because of the hate that was being spewed by the minister. It pushed me away from Christianity and religion in general. That's just one church. I've heard countless other stories from just my friends and family of similar instances of hate-spewing rhetoric by such ministers. But, even though I no longer believe in any one religion, I still believe every person has the right to believe as they so wish. It's one of this country's great founding principles, to be granted the freedom of religion. We may not agree with what others believe, but that doesn't detract from the fact that they have the right to do so, just as you and I do.

8:29 AM  

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