Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Blogger's Block No More!

I'm quite amazed that just a few days ago, I wrote a blog entitled, "Blogger's Block," because I hadn't blogged for about a week and couldn't think of anything to write about. That's even worse than having writer's block, because one can blog about anything, from Columbo to Columbia to Columbine to a duck-billed playpus to Bill Clinton's sexual escapades to the fascination of a fire hydrant while tripping acid. Yet, I couldn't think of anything to write about. I then concluded at the end of my blog that perhaps my blogging about not being able to blog would wind up being my first step in recovering from blogger's block en route to regularly blogging again. Let me check to see how many times I said blog in that sentence. ::counts:: Five. Not bad. Speaking of numbers, this is officially my 19th blog in the past three days. I don't know what has happened over the past 72 hours. Perhaps I was slipped some speed in my sleep. I'm not quite sure. In any case, like with any problem, it's nice to be over my blogger's block, even if it's only temporary. Just watch, with this blog, I jinx myself and go back to blogger's block, only to repeat this same cycle the following week. That'd be kind of funny. Maybe. Well, in hindsight, it may be humorous. Hopefully I won't have to laugh about it in another couple weeks. I'll have to ask for more speed while sleeping. It can't be weed or else I'd have blogger's block to the extreme. I may write two or three word blogs, such as, "Gosh, I'm bored" or "Man, I want a twinkie right now" or "I'm so high. hahahahahahahahaha". Yeah, I'll have to make sure and make note of that to whomever is slipping me drugs while in my slumber. Hopefully they themselves are not high at the time or else I could be in trouble.


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