Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Eh, Cops

What is the job of cops? To protect the people, right? Or am I way off base here? That's what I've always tried associating cops with. But, as I've gotten older (an elderly 24, I know), it's becoming more and more difficult for me to fully associate them with protecting the people.

My brother's car got broken into last night. This is nothing new where he lives. In their neighborhood, cars have been broken into several times over the course of the past couple weeks. The cops have been called numerous times and my brother called this morning when he found out his car had been broken into. They made it sound like it was no big deal. All that was taken was the stereo system and the subwoofer. It could've been worse. It's like when my mom's purse got stolen last year. They didn't think that was a big deal either, "Oh, it's just a purse."

Yet, I see cops all the time with their radar guns, trying to catch people speeding, so they can pull them over. Ah, yes, let's go and pull people going five to ten miles over the speed limit. That'll keep people far safer than catching thieves and robbers! A purse? Whatever. A car? Big deal. Someone doing fifty in a forty-five? Now, that's serious! I know someone who got pulled over for doing fifty-six in a fifty-five. I was ticketed for doing a fifty-eight in a fifty-five. I also know a person who was ticketed for doing the speed limit, because it was slowing down traffic. Give me a break! Is this all they do with their time? Sit on their butts, eat jelly-filled donuts, and have their radar guns handy? Is that it? I was pulled over in my driveway not too long ago for turning my headlights off right as I pulled in. I was trying to be courteous. Sue me. The guy threatened me with, "Well, if I see you do that again, I'm going to ticket you for driving without your headlights." Uh-huh. Allright, so, let me back up here. Someone being courteous and pulling into their own driveway without their headlights on for two feet is of more concern to police than a car being broken into or of a purse being stolen. Someone doing at least one mile over the speed limit is more of a menace to those around him or her than a thief or a robber. Right. And politicians are honest.

It's too bad that old show "Cops" didn't depict what I and others in my area see police officers do with their time. If they showed that, though, the program wouldn't last two weeks. They'd have to change the lyrics to the song as well, which were, "Bad boys, bad boys. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?" Instead of that, it'd have to be, "Bored boys, bored boys. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they follow you?" The answer to that. There's not much you can do. If they pick you, you're screwed.


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