Monday, February 06, 2006

Why Are Some Doctors Paid So Much?

I've had a history of health problems, had successful brain surgery a couple years ago, so I have a great deal of respect for many doctors. But, have you ever had one who just didn't seem to have a clue as to what they were doing?

I ran into this predicament just a couple nights ago. I didn't know what was happening. My body felt numb. I felt pins and needles at my fingertips. I was tired, weak, nauseated. My senses of taste, smell, and sound seemed off. I've had a history of seizures, so I got rather nervous. A nurse I called suggested I get someone to take me to the hospital, so I did that. I wrote down all the symptoms I had and all the medications I was taking.

I don't know how many times they asked me what the symptoms were. I kept giving them the list I wrote. After I don't know how many people asked me what was wrong, the doctor finally came in and one of the first things he asked me was, "So, what do you think it could be?" I got this very confused look on my face and said, "Well, I don't know. I was kind of hoping to find that out here." After he left, my dad said, "I can't believe he asked you 'What do you think it could be?' What, does he think you're a doctor? What does he think you came here for?" My family and I laughed.

Before I was taken to the hospital, my family and I thought it could be one of five things: 1) A side effect to an anti-seizure medication I'm on, 2) A side effect to a cold medication I was taking, 3) A side effect to a mixture between two of the medications, 4) The flu, or 5) Something seizure-related. When the doctor took his final journey into our room, his words were said something like this, "Well, I don't have any answers for you. It could be a side effect to a medication, or even to those cold medications. Who knows, it could be the flu. All we can say is you should drink lots of liquids and get plenty of rest." I was there for two and a half hours and that's all they could muster up. My family and I were just as accurate and had more ideas than the professional. That's sad. I wonder where they find doctors like him. It's like he was just picked up off the street, given a few bucks, and told to act and speak as professionally as possible. Well, if that was the case, I hope he wasn't given too much money, because I'd give him a C grade (at best) when it comes to his acting and speaking in a professional manner.


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