Saturday, July 15, 2006

Cedar Rapids Column Now Coulter-less

Ann Coulter's column has officially been dropped at The Gazette in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The Shreveport Times is also considering doing the same.

It's odd how this came about. Guess what the determining factor was? Guess whose complaints did her in? Nope, not liberals, because hey, we have always complained about her. Nope, the complaints came from conservatives who claim she misrepresented them and I happen to agree.

True conservatives don't really bother me. It's the "conservatives" like Ann Coulter that drive me crazy (crazier than usual, yes). If I was a conservative, Coulter's angry and ignorant commentary would bother me, as well, because like the conservatives in Iowa claimed, her columns misrepresented them.

Ann Coulter is like the macaw I saw at the zoo the other day. She tries to make believe she's pretty and make herself stand out with those skirts she wears and caws louder than anyone else for shock, attention, and giving people migraines in the process. What the macaws were cawing the other day didn't matter because of how loudly they went about it. The same goes for Coulter. Even though I am far from conservative, I hope that Cedar Rapids and others like them find a conservative columnist that better represents they and their beliefs. Regardless if one is liberal, conservative, moderate, or elsewhere on the political spectrum, Coulter's caws are just too loud and annoying.



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