Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Dumb Cheney Statement

Richard, we call him Dick, Cheney has been traveling across country and giving speeches at Air Force bases, Naval bases, etc. In fact, he was at our (Omahans, that is) very own Offutt Air Force Base yesterday.

I read some comments Cheney made two days ago during one of these infamous speeches. One quote stood out for me amongst all the rest. All the rest I'd heard many times before. It was the same old gibberish, "Stay the course," "Leaving Iraq now would only make the terrorists happy," "There haven't been any attacks on our soil since 9/11 because of the policies Bush and his administration have set forth." Yeah, yeah, yeah, I've heard and read those a few times before. But, there was one comment I had yet to hear and I was stuck by its stupidity.

He said, "I know some have suggested that by liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein we simply stirred up a hornet's nest. They overlook a fundamental fact. We were not in Iraq on Sept. 11, 2001, and the terrorists hit us anyway."

What in Zeus' pancreas is he trying to say here? I'm baffled, befuddled, and confuzzled (yes, I made that one up) by this statement. I'm trying to analyze this statement right now and it's giving me a migraine in attempting to do so and no, not because it's something deep and profound. It's anything but. Allright, so then what's the point of this war in Iraq? What was the point of it from the start? Wasn't it to "secure" this nation and make it safer from those mythological weapons of mass destruction and the mythological link between al-Qaeda and Saddam and the mythological link between Iraq and 9/11? Was Iraq not claimed to have been part of the "axis of evil?" Were they not part of this "War on Terror?"

He's absolutely right. On 9/11/01, we were not in Iraq and we were attacked anyway. Where's Homer when I need him? "Doh!" So then, what's the point of this "War on Terror?" Dick just flatly said that regardless of where we are or what we do, there will still be terrorism floating around and there will still be a chance that we're attacked. He also didn't deny anything regarding liberating Iraq of Saddam Hussein and there being an ensuing "hornet's nest" as a result of that. No, he just completely went off base in attempt to prove that somehow (as if we didn't know) the Iraq War and this "hornet's nest" that's following was not the cause of 9/11. Okie dokie! He may also want to prove that since 9/11 occurred prior to the Iraq War and there hasn't been a 9/11 on our soil since then, that this "hornet's nest" theory must be false.

One has to just love this administration. They twist words around so much that one is baffled at first, but then they repeat themselves so much that it actually starts to sink into the minds of many as being truthful. Well, just because a person repeatedly claims that a circle is a square doesn't make it so and the same goes with the claims of Cheney, Bush, and the rest of the gang.



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