Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Woman Fired By Church Because She's A Woman

Mary Lambert had taught at The First Baptist Church in Watertown, New York for 54 years, until August 9th when she was fired for being a woman.

The church has now adopted what they believe to be a "literal" interpretation of The Bible. According to this "literal" interpretation, women can get a job anywhere, anywhere outside the church that is.

In the letter Ms. Lambert received on August 9th, it explained that according to a "literal" interpretation of The Bible, women cannot teach men.

The Reverend Timothy LaBouf had this to say, "I believe that a woman can perform any job and fulfill any responsibility she desires to," outside the church.

Mayor Jeffrey Graham was a bit bothered by the church's decision, saying, "If what's said in that letter reflects the councilman's views, those are disturbing remarks in this day and age. Maybe they wouldn't have been disturbing 500 years ago, but they are now."

I think this is just further evidence that organized religion was a man's idea and while some were able to change with the times, some just can't handle women having equal rights as them. Women should create their own church and write rules like men can't teach women. It's only fair. Then there could be a new reality TV series entitled Battle of the Churches. Nah, let's not do that. Hey, Rev. LaBouf, I know you think males are a step above females, as only males can teach in your holier than thou church, but I've got news for you. You wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for a woman. Can I hear an Amen?




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