Thursday, October 12, 2006

Gun Ordinance

In Greenleaf, Idaho, a population of 862, city councilman Steven G. Jett is proposing an ordinance for every household to have at least one gun, for the simple fact that the city is growing. Mayor Holton supports the ordinance. He owns 25 rifles and handguns. Want or need a gun? Visit Mayor Holton's home. He's got it all, including Charlton Heston. They're tight. The really odd part about this gun ordinance is that Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath inspired Jett to propose it. ::busts out a map:: Okay, let's take a look at this. Idaho is in the northwest part of the country. Hurricanes blow in from the east coast/southeast portion of the county. Well, I'll be, I'm not seeing a Hurricane Potato blowing in that part of the country anytime soon.



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