Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Hastert Didn't Kill Anybody"

Those were the words of Republican Rep. Christopher Shays in regard to Dennis Hastert's role in covering up the Foley scandal.

Shays said, "I know the speaker didn't go over a bridge and leave a young person in the water, and then have a press conference the next day."

He added, "Dennis Hastert didn't kill anybody."

His first comment, of course, revolved around Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy's 1969 incident.

I've read many theories regarding that 1969 tragedy, from both sides of the political spectrum, but to bring up here is weak and desperate.

Why did Shay say such things? Two reasons: 1) To try and paint the Democrats in a negative light and 2) To try and diminish the significance of Hastert's role in hiding the sex scandal information. I only wonder if Republicans will take on a similar approach in the waning months before the November elections. If so, they're in trouble. They'll need a better gameplan than bringing up an incident that occurred 37 years ago. Desperate times call for weak, illogical, and desperate measures and that's what Shays comments were a reflection of.



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