Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cameron's Jesus Documentary

Oscar award-winning director, James Cameron, is about to air a documentary based on the possibility that Jesus' tomb (bones) have been discovered, which will be aired on the Discovery Channel in the next week.

I'm curious to hear the uproar by Christians before and after the program. Will many watch it or just complain about it, like the Da Vinci Code?

Why would there be such an uproar? Well, some may believe that Jesus resurrected spiritually, but, most people I know believe that after three days, his body was no longer in the tomb and his physical body had resurrected. The documentary will also make the claim that Jesus had a son, Judah. The thought of Jesus being romantically involved with Mary Magdalene created a stir as it is, but to bring a child into the mix? I can only imagine the reactions to that claim.

I'm always curious and interested in any form of "controversial" art dealing with religion, especially Christianity. This will be no different. Whether the claims in the film are true or false, it brings new possibilities to light than are believed by the majority, and that's important. The Pat Robertson's, James Dobson's, and others in the world will condemn it and other such art forms, but without difference in opinion and multiple interpretations and possibilities, where would we be? I don't want to even think about that possibility.


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