Thursday, March 01, 2007

Bah-humbug to Birthdays

I "celebrated" my 26th birthday on Wednesday, February 28th. The age that I'm celebrating doesn't bother me anymore. I just get bummed on my birthday anymore because of the memories. The day used to be a celebration. It used to be full of life and entertainment. But, anymore, it's nothing but a few people saying the two magical words and being off with their plans as I'm off with mine.

There were days where I bowled with friends, other times when we played this game called spaceball. Following the games would be cake-eating and present opening-time. Following that, there'd be a sleep over, usually, where kids would be kids, laughs and fun would be had, from the time school ended until my friends had to return home the next day.

Being 26, there can't be any car pool sessions following school, where all the kids can be picked up by parents who helped orchestrate the party. There can't be any after-school activities that all can attend. It's just a day like any other anymore. I might receive a couple phone calls, a couple e-mails, an instant message or two, a comment on myspace, everyone wishing me Happy Birthday. The folks and other family members may send me some cards and money. The family and I may have dinner and dessert, but after that? There's nothing. Most everyone is busy. Birthdays aren't seen as days to celebrate anymore as days to hide from, as we edge closer to the big 3-0.

I guess I just don't see things in that manner. It should be a day to celebrate, regardless of the number. We're acknowledging the day we were born and celebrating that birth. Why hide from that? Why be shameful? Depressed?

As opposed to Thanksgiving, where I'm used to celebrating the holiday with just my folks and brother and have no memory to look back on and cherish, birthdays are different for me. They used to be days I shared with all those close to me and with each and every passing year, it feels that those times and those individuals are slipping away from me. All birthdays are anymore, it seems, are days to add one more tally mark to the annual scoreboard with no celebration to acknowledge that day even existed. It's become a day just like any other and it shouldn't be such. Hopefully that trend alters next year.


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