Monday, June 18, 2007

O'Reilly's Eloquent Words

Faux News' cheerleader, Bill O'Reilly, recently said this in regard to a question about Faux News' lack of Iraq War coverage.

"We don't highlight every terrorist attack, because we learn nothing from that, and that's exactly what the terrorists want us to do."

He also said, "...We (Faux) bring you stuff that is new, that is relevant to your life, and I'm not gonna cover every bomb that goes off in Tikrit, because it's meaningless."

Alrighty, so with O'Reilly's logic, why did the media (including Faux) spend so much time covering the 9/11 terrorist attacks, if that's what the terrorists wanted us to do? Since that was on our soil, that's different? The exception to the rule? Even though our soldiers are over in Iraq right now, fighting a war based on false pretenses, where over 3,500 have died, that still makes the bombings meaningless? Maybe we should ask the families of U.S. soliders if the bombings are indeed meaningless. I have a feeling they may have a differing viewpoint.


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