Monday, January 09, 2006

Mistaken For a Woman

Yeah, that's right. It happened just last night. I was at a restaurant/bar with a friend of mine and she bumped into this gal she works with. This gal asked my friend if I was her sister. I can just imagine the look on my face when she asked this. I know the flat-chested, goatee sporting, deep voiced look is in now for the ladies, but come on!

I really wonder how hammered this girl was. Perhaps I'm just saying that in hope, but I'm going to believe it whether she was or not! Okay, I can understand if I had a large chest, wore make-up, lipstick, did my nails, wore attire commonplace in the woman's world, etc. But, none of those things coincide with how I present myself. Large chest? No. Make-up? Nada. Lipstick? None. Paint my nails? Not a single one. What kind of clothes did I wear? Jeans, sneakers, and a sweatshirt. Facial hair? A goatee. Voice? Deep. I'm quite confused on how she mixed us up.

At work today, I guess this gal apologized to my friend for the mix-up and then commented on how I was "cute." Hmm, now, I'm really confused! I'm just going to keep telling myself that she was drunk, high, and didn't get a good look at me until after she asked my friend if I was her sister. That, along with some intense therapy, shall do the trick.


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