Saturday, May 13, 2006

Striking Evidence That The Public Favors Security Over Liberty

In a telephone survey conducted by ABC/Washington Post on Thursday, it was found that two-thirds of Americans are not bothered by the NSA collecting phone records. Democrats and independents were more likely to be bothered by this than Republicans.

Many people tell me, "Well, if you didn't do anything wrong, what's their to worry about?" I always have to roll my eyes at this.

Is it wrong to like some privacy? Does it not bother anyone to think during the middle of a deep and intimate phone conversation with a person, that it's being tapped? Or that e-mails sent or received by family or friends will be read? Would you be okay with the government going into each and every one of your mailboxes, opening all the mail you received, taking what they feel they feel might be trouble, and handing you the rest? I don't feel very secure knowing all this.

Who are we to trust this government? They may claim all they want that they've improved our security and freedom, but they've done anything to protect our freedom and under who did the 9/11 attacks occur? Under this same administration. The lies leading up to the Iraq war. The NSA wiretapping. Valerie Plame. Cunningham. Libby. Rove. Goss. Downing Street. Patriot Act. WMD's. Links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. I could go on and on about the deception and scandals that have transpired under this same administration that claims the NSA programs are used to protect our security and liberty, that same security that was shaken up under this same administration on 9/11 and that same liberty that has been scolded by some as being Anti-American if used in a dissenting manner.

Sorry, I'm not buying into it. Even if you claim it's free, I'm not buying it. There's got to be a catch somewhere, whether it's near or far, it's there and it won't be worth that precious free price tag when all is said and done.



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