Thursday, August 31, 2006

Keith (as in Olbermann) Is The Man!

On "The Countdown With Keith Olbermann" last night, Keith sounded off to end the show with what was referred to as a "special comment" in regard to Donald Rumsfeld's "fascist" remarks. I just e-mailed the show to show my thanks for having the courage to not follow the mainstream and to actually question remarks and decisions made by Bush and his administration.

I kept my e-mail short and sweet, but here it is:

"I just wanted to write and express my gratitude for last night's episode, especially the "special comment" Olbermann made at the end of the show.

It's very comforting to know that one program has the courage to question the superiors when they deserve to be questioned and when other programs such as the Oh Really Factor with Bill O'Lielly are busy praising the superiors and bashing those that question. I find it especially comforting for the very reason that it proves freedom of speech and press still exist. Directly following 9/11, I really wondered how long it would last, as most every news station held hands and sang "Kumbaya" with one another, never questioning anything the President said. If he said the sky was jungle green and the earth was octagon-shaped, the hand holding and praises would continue. But, that wasn't even the frightening part. President Bush, his administration, and right-wing media outlets began to repetitiously scream in unison the false dilemma informal fallacy, "You're either with us or against us! You're either with us or with the terrorists!" While being poor reasoning, it more devastatingly called out to dissenters as terrorists or terrorist sympathizers, and slowly divided the country to what it is today.

While Bill O'Lielly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others aren't questioning a word that comes out of Bush and his administration's mouth, it's very refreshing to know that we still have the freedom to do so. Thanks again and keep up the great work.




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