Friday, March 02, 2007


Why is it that so many commoners (ala, not critics) seem to go the hyperbolic route when reviewing films? Rarely do I see some honest and thorough reviews, where a person may score the film 2, 2.5, 3, or 3.5 out of 5 stars. I typically see the reviews at 1, 2, 4, or 5 out of 5 stars. It's either great or horrible. It's either one of the best films ever made or one of the worst ever conducted. The extended use of hyperboles irritates me, for the simple fact that it's not honest. Exaggerators may believe they're being honest, but it's difficult for four different films viewed in a month's span to all be classified as the best film ever created. Professional critics may be just that, critical, but at least, for the most part, they don't consistently go the hyperbole route. They may claim that a film is the best directed movie by such and such since a film they directed in 1984, but rarely will I see such claims that a film is quite possibly the best or the funniest ever. There are many films from which to compare and contrast that one, so just as it's quite the statement to claim a film is the worst ever, the same holds true for the direct opposite.


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